Tiki Lounge
Island Updates
Tiki Lounge


Four unmarried couples have embarked on an incredible journey. Although they are in long-term relationships, they have traveled to a remote Caribbean island to test their devotion to one another and answer the ultimate question, "Have I found 'The One' or is there someone better out there?"

1. Upon their arrival, the couples are separated from their mates and sent to opposite ends of the island. The four women stay at a resort called Mata Chica, where the thirteen single men are. At the other end of the island is Captain Morgan's Retreat, where the four men and the thirteen single women reside. During their two weeks on the island, the couples have no direct communication with each other. They will occasionally see each other at group events, but even there they are not allowed to talk to one another.

2. At the introduction of the singles in the first episode, the four coupled women vote off one of the single women. That woman is immediately removed from the game and is sent off the island, never to mix with the couples again. The four coupled men are given the same opportunity to vote off one man.

3. Each of the four couples wears matching necklaces, denoting their relationship. Kaya and Valerie wear red beads; Billy and Mandy, black beads; Taheed and Ytossie, white beads; and Andy and Shannon, blue beads.

4. At the introduction of the singles, each member of the eight couples must give a matching colored bracelet to the one single he/she wants to "block" from his/her mate. A blocked single is not allowed to date the corresponding coupled person (e.g. Kaya blocks Valerie from dating Sean, so Sean wears a red bracelet). Dates occur in Episodes 2-6 and are official adventure journeys, consisting of such activities as scuba diving, cave tubing and horseback riding.

Note: The blocks are only in effect during the scheduled dates. At all other times, the coupled people may interact with their blocked singles as much as they want to.

5. Each day after the eight men and women go on dates, there is another round of vote-offs. The four coupled women will have to send home one of the men from their singles pool, while the four coupled men will do the same from the female singles pool.

6. After each date, the four coupled men and the four coupled women will be gathered at a ceremonial bonfire hosted by Mark L. Walberg. There they will confront their emotions and will be given a choice to view videotape of their partners' experiences on the other side of the island. If one mate chooses to watch, the corresponding mate must do so accordingly.

7. After their fourth date, each of the eight will pick one single with whom they will share an exotic final date.

8. Our couples will reunite on the last night of their journey to share their experiences and decide whether or not to stay together.


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